Photos from Suzuki Classic Meet in Bø, Telemark, Norway, May 31-June 02, 2002.

  This event arranged by the norwegian chapter of Classic Suzuki Club Scandinavia gathered Classic Suzuki enthusiasts and their family members from Norway, Sweden and Denmark for a weekend in the beautiful Telemark landscape. Weather was excellent and I am sure all who participated agree this was an event worth returning to every year !

For each photo you can click on it to load a high resolution version. Be warned some of these photos are up to 400 Kbytes in size to make justice to the excellent finish of the bikes ! The larger photos will enhance your experience of this motorcycle event !

Impressive array of Suzuki two strokes

Is this a 1971 T500 ?


Gunnar Bakken and Arne Markussen restoring the clutch cable of a friend's GT750K

Concours - The price table

Left is GT750B '77 owned by Tom Brattskar - winner of GT series concours category and Peoples Choice,
the two J models is mine to the right and Rolf Lorentzen's GT750J in the middle.

Nice restored GT550's


Nils Jørgen Sørli's GT125


Two nice two stroke Kawasaki 350 triples

First and last model year (72/77), GT750J and GT750B by Rolf Lorentzen and Tom Brattskar

Photo setup ! Tom Brattskar's GT750B in company of Lorentzen/Forsgren GT750J

One of the finest RE-5's in the world I am sure. Vehicle #9 owned by Gunnar Bakken got my People's Choice vote in the concours. Take the time to download and study the closeups.

The first RE-5 model year includes the characteristic 'mailbox' instrument panel.

RE-5 instrument panel, click on image for high resolution image !

Rolf Lorentzen GT750J

Nils Jørgen Sørli with his T125 Stinger, he also won the price for
best demonstrations with his blazing quick GT125.

Congratulations go to Tom Brattskar, head of the Norwegian club chapter who did a lot of work
making this meet a success. Well deserved winner in four price categories !
Peoples Choice and GT class winner with GT750B, Norwegian section club member of the year, and..

Start of Rally event around beautiful scenery Telemark roads

Stop for coffee and apple cake

Opportunity to study other motorcycle classics

Photos by

/Gunnar Forsgren, Suzuki GT750J, Värmdö,Sweden